ugxUGX - Xelim ugandês

The Xelim ugandês is the currency of Uganda. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Xelim ugandês exchange rate is the UGX to USD rate. The currency code for Uganda Shilling is UGX, and the currency symbol is USh. Below, you'll find Xelim ugandês rates and a currency converter.

Notice: As of March 30, 2013, the 1987 series of UGX is no longer legal tender. The currency will be exchangeable at any commercial bank until May 30, 2013 and at any Bank of Uganda branch until December 30, 2013.

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Prior to the 1900's, one of the earliest forms of currency used in Uganda was the Indian Rupee. In 1906, the East African Rupee replaced the Indian Rupee and was used throughout Uganda, Kenya, and Tanganyika. The East African Florin replaced the Rupee at par in 1920, but just one year later, the East African Currency Board introduced the East African Shilling; it was pegged to one Shilling Sterling and was valued at a rate of 2 Shillings to 1 Florin.

In 1966 the Bank of Uganda was established and the first Ugandan Shilling was introduced. The banknotes and coin changed several times as a result of changes in regime. Due to high inflation, a new Shilling was created in 1987 at a rate of 100 old Shillings to 1 new one. On March 2013, the 1987 series of UGX was demonetized and in April 2013, the minor currency unit was changed from 100 to 0.

Xelim ugandês Stats

NameXelim ugandês
Minor unit
Minor unit symbol
Top UGX conversionUGX to USD
Top UGX chartUGX to USD chart

Xelim ugandês Profile

CoinsFreq used: undefined5, undefined10, undefined50, undefined100, undefined200, undefined500, undefined1000, UGX1, UGX2
Bank notesFreq used: UGX1000, UGX2000, UGX5000, UGX10,000, UGX20,000, UGX50,000
Central bankBank of Uganda

Taxas de moeda em tempo real

EUR / USD1,03303
GBP / EUR1,20087
USD / JPY151,403
GBP / USD1,24053
USD / CHF0,909823
USD / CAD1,42933
EUR / JPY156,404
AUD / USD0,627002

Taxas do Banco Central

MoedaInterest Rate